Title of Artwork: “The burning of a Turkish frigate”

Artwork by Konstantinos Volanakis
Year Created *Unknown
Summary of The burning of a Turkish frigate
This painting illustrates a military strategy adopted by Greek revolutionary soldiers to attack their Turkish rulers, which ultimately led to the liberation of Greece from Turkish control. Maritime hero Canaris, Papamanolis, and Barbatsis all employed the explosive-laden small boat method to detonate an explosive-laden frigate. The ‘Mansourija’ ambush was one of the most renowned examples of this type of ambush. He set fire to the frigate on May 27, 1821, when Dimitris Papamanolis was just thirty-three years old and was a freedom warrior. The Turkish ship was engulfed in flames, killing 600 sailors.
Information Citations
En.wikipedia.org, https://en.wikipedia.org/.
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