All About The Ballet Class by Edgar Degas

Title of Artwork: “The Ballet Class”

All About The Ballet Class by Edgar Degas

Artwork by Edgar Degas

Year Created 1871-1874

Summary of The Ballet Class by Edgar Degas

Degas attended the Paris Opéra on a regular basis, not only as a spectator but also as a backstage visitor and in the dance studio, where he was introduced by a friend who played in the orchestra.

The opera was still located in the rue Le Peletier at the time and had not yet relocated to the Garnier-designed structure that would take its place shortly thereafter. His favourite subject matter from the late 1870’s until his death was ballerinas, whether they were dancing on stage, practising, or relaxing at home.

All About The Ballet Class by Edgar Degas

Training and rehearsals piqued his interest far more than the actual performance on stage. Exhausted pupils stretch, twist to scratch their backs, adjust their hair or clothing, an earring or ribbon while paying little attention to the inflexible teacher, an actual portrait of ballet master Jules Perrot, who is depicted in the painting.

It is in these moments of relaxation and rests that Degas focuses his attention, observing the most natural and spontaneous gestures, as well as the moments when concentration has dwindled and the body has slumped.

The slightly raised viewpoint looking diagonally across the studio accentuates the vanishing perspective of floorboards.

Paul Valéry wrote that: “He is one of only a handful of artists who truly appreciated the importance of the ground. He’s got a nice collection of flooring “It’s true. Because dancers use parquets that have been moistened to prevent slipping, this is especially relevant to them. Furthermore, the ballet conductor keeps time with his baton on the stage.

The Ballet Class by Edgar Degas Facts

Why did Edgar Degas paint the ballet class?

Degas was a huge fan of dancing, and it was a common motif in many of his works. To observe the Ballet, he is said to have made several visits to the Palais Garnier in Paris, where the girls would rehearse.

Why is the ballet class by Edgar Degas important?

Degas’ most elaborate paintings on the subject of dancing are this one and a similar one in Paris’ Museum d’Orsay. Onlookers include twenty-four women, all of whom are either ballerinas or their mothers.

What is the major themes in Degas’s ballet class?

Ballet dancers were a constant source of fascination for Degas. When he’s not painting or dancing, he’s always thinking about it.

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