All About Nero Cameo, 1st C. after Christ by Nicholas of Verdun
Title of Artwork: “Nero Cameo, 1st C. after Christ”

Artwork by Nicholas of Verdun
Year Created 1200
Summary of Nero Cameo, 1st C. after Christ
The front of the shrine features a removable trapezoidal panel, on which is affixed a cameo portrait of Nero. The size and proportions are identical to those of the Venus intaglio.
These three old stones, along with the stolen Ptolemy Cameo in 1574, were the focal point of the shrine’s entrance. Perhaps they were alluding to the three Magi skulls that became seen once the trapezoidal panel was taken away.
Agrippina’s crowning of Nero (she is shown placing a laurel wreath on his head) may have been reinterpreted in the context of the mediaeval belief that kings from the Bible were the progenitors of German rulers.
Information Citations:
En.wikipedia.org, https://en.wikipedia.org/.
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