All About Landscape with the Funeral of Phocion by Nicolas Poussin
Title of Artwork: “Landscape with the Funeral of Phocion”

Artwork by Nicolas Poussin
Year Created 1648
Summary of Landscape with the Funeral of Phocion
Landscape with the Funeral of Phocion (1648) is also known as Landscape with the Body of Phocion and as The Burial of Phocion. Nicolas Poussin, a French artist, carried it out of Athens. Phocion was a political leader in Athens in the fourth century B.C.
All About Landscape with the Funeral of Phocion
There are currently three distinct versions of the painting in circulation. These are currently part of the collections in the Louvre in Paris, the National Museum in Cardiff, and the Glass House in New Canaan, Connecticut, USA.
While working on The Funeral of Phocion, Poussin also painted Landscape with the Ashes of Phocion in the same year.
The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs Vol. 40, No. 229 (April 1922): pp. 156–158, features an article by Paul Jamot titled “Poussin’s Two Pictures of the Story of Phocion.”
Information Citations
En.wikipedia.org, https://en.wikipedia.org/.
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