Title of Artwork: “Annunciation “

Artwork by Caravaggio
Year Created 1608
Summary of Annunciation
Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio painted The Annunciation in 1608 and it is one of his most famous works. The Museum of Beaux-Arts in Nancy houses it.
All About Annunciation
The angel, who bears a striking resemblance to the figure in John the Baptist at the Fountain, is all that remains of Caravaggio’s brushwork in the painting. Baroque-style treatment of the angel, floating on a cloud and seeming to protrude outside of the picture plane, is unusual for Caravaggio, but Mary’s receptive pose and the energetic angel’s posture create an effective dynamic contrast. Caravaggio’s later style is evident in the loose brushwork.
Henry II, Duke of Lorraine, donated the painting to his primatial church in Nancy as the main altarpiece. It is possible that one of Henry’s sons bought it in Malta in 1608 during a family trip.
There are two people depicted in this work of art. The annunciation’s angel, Gabriel, is said to be the angel hovering above the Virgin Mary. Gabriel’s flowers, the lilies, are also a representation of the Virgin Mary. Gabriel informs the Virgin of God’s plan for her while she lies prostrate before him. Caravaggio’s signature sfumato and tenebrism can be seen in the painting, with the exception of the two main characters.
Information Citations
En.wikipedia.org, https://en.wikipedia.org/.
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